Monday, January 2, 2017

Strongest purchasing managers ‘ index for five years – Private Business

According to SME Direkt prognosenkät-expected purchasing managers ‘ index have amounted to sek 56.8 in december.

the Index is a compilation of around 200 inköpschefers assessment of the economic development and presented by Swedbank and Silf, the organisation for purchasing and logistics.

Silf/Swedbank writes in a comment to the main dragloket was the sub-index for production rose by 4.5 points to 65,0.

“Three of the five sub-indices reached in december over 60. The sub-index for suppliers ‘ delivery times rose by 2.9 points to 60,9 in december. The outcomes of the individual months, however, should be interpreted with some caution,” writes Silf/Swedbank.

the Index for suppliers ‘ raw and insatsvarupriser step to 70,8 in december, compared with 68,4 in november.

the purchasing managers Index dec nov Diff Cut 3M
Total index (PMI) 60,1 57,3 2,8 58,6
Orders 61,3 59,4 1,9 60,1
Production 65,0 60,5 4,5 62,5
Employment 57,5 55,3 2,2 56,5
Leverenstider 60,9 58,0 2,9 57,5
Stock 51,0 53,8 -2,8 49,0
key data outside of the PMI.
Orders export 57,9 55,7 2,2 56,1
Orders received home market 58,7 55,0 3,7 56,4
order Backlog 61,9 61,7 0,2 60,9
Raw/insatsvarupriser 70,8 68,4 2,4 66,2
Import 57,9 54,5 3,4 56,0
Planned production (6 months) 68,0 65,8 2,2 66,1

Image: the purchasing managers ‘ Index industry



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