Thursday, January 12, 2017

Uppgfter: Thomas Rex sells for 25 million …

UPPDATERD. Fingerprint Cards business developer Thomas Rex, who succeeded Johan Carlström, is reported to have been selling Fingerprint-worth of shares, 25 million in december. It writes the Dagens Industri in their nätutgåva. Thomas Rex has for the Business denied the data.

This denies Thomas Rex data.

DI refers to the analysis service Holdings updated ägardata, which shows that Thomas Rex during december sold the 401.500 shares in Fingerprint Cards. The shares are currently worth nearly 25 million. In november, he sold 78.000 shares in the company.

in the Past, when Thomas Rex had the position as sales manager at FPC, were he to reporting requirements for the transactions which are the responsibility of persons in leadership positions. When he is at the end of October, the management team and took over Johan Carlströms previous role in the company, meant that he got away with the reporting requirements, points out the DI.

After the sale of shares is Thomas Rex registered for a holding of the 2.981.000 B shares in Fingerprint, according to the Holdings.


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