Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Spotify wants to hire Barack Obama – financial times

Curls with tailor-made employment ad

Barrack Obama has said that he wants to work at Spotify.
Now try to musikjätten to lure him with a specially-crafted employment ad.
"Applicants should have at least eight years of experience to lead a country," it says in the ad.

Since 2015 Barrack Obama shared music he is listening to via the Swedish music service Spotify. Among favoritartisterna include Nina Simone and Bob Marley.

Recently joked that he hoped to get a job at Spotify when he leaves the White house.
Streamingjätten have now taken Obama at his word and put out a tailor-made employment ad to lure him.

Applicants should have received the peace prize

Jobbtiteln that is being sought is the "President of the playlists". The data includes, inter alia, to provide leadership in world-class for the people creating playlists.

According to the advertisement, applicants should have "at least eight years of experience to lead a country." Among the requirements you need, also the ability to be one of the best speakers, ever. The applicant should also preferably have won the Nobel peace prize.

As if that were not enough, the company will also be happy that you are looking for will have had rapper Kendrick Lamar on your birthday party. Something Obama had when he reached the age of 55 years, according to BBC.


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