Saturday, December 13, 2014

Hacker attack against Telia struck out 112 – Expressen

Hacker attack against Telia struck out 112 – Expressen

Have you noticed the interference of Telia network?

Inquiry and photo: Evelina Carborn

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The Lizard Squad is a hacker group that previously carried out similar attacks against Microsoft Xbox Live’s network and Sony PlayStation Network. They must also be behind a bomb threat against a manager at Sony. During the Christmas threatens to strike Xbox live “forever”.

Twitter closed on Friday two accounts linked to the group.

Security researcher David Jacoby believes that the attacks may be linked to interventions against file-sharing site Pirate Bay a week.

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What is a denial?

A denial of service attack, or DDoS attack (denial of service) is an attack that is done in order overloading a website.

A large number of computers, tablets and mobiles are cut by being exposed to the virus. Since charged zombie computers a server simultaneously, making it difficult for ordinary users to access it.

What then attacked the servers that converts a domain to an IP number . This is why you do not come forward if, for example looking at Telia’s website.

DNS is a system to simplify the addressing of computers and linking domain names with IP addresses.

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Sweden’s largest telecom operator Telia has been attacked again.

The Agency The National Post and Telecom Agency has called an emergency meeting after a report from Telia, which shows that customers are not able to reach 112 during the attacks.

– Telia has an absolute responsibility and it’s serious it is so vulnerable, says IT expert Patrik Wallström.

Telia subjected during the night to Friday from further attack, which affected customers using the company’s surf and IP TV.

– We can not go into the details of what actions we have taken during the day. We see the situation seriously and has tried to resolve it as quickly as possible. We have strengthened the protection and informing the customers, says Roija Rafii who works as a press officer at Telia.

On Wednesday, there was a similar incident also caused disruption in Internet traffic. The time it took the hacker group “Lizard Squad” claimed responsibility for the attack. They had overloaded the Electronic Arts game platform whose nätleverans provided by Telia. Much evidence points to “Lizard Squad” also lies behind the second attack and Twitter closed on Friday two accounts linked to the group.

Unable to prevent another attack

Telia blame the disturbances during the first attack Wednesday on one of their servers had a configuration error. This was corrected, but despite this, you could not prevent a second attack.

– The settings were changed but the attacks we can not protect ourselves against, says Hans G. Larsson Communications Manager at Telia DN.

The National Post and Telecom Agency (PTS) has called an emergency meeting and will now investigate the attacks.

– We have been led to believe that there is a very high percentage of customers who have been affected by this, although there are different kind of impact, says Peter Ekstedt who is press officer at the National Post and Telecom Agency.

Telia write themselves in a preliminary report to the Authority that customers have had problems reaching 112 when the attacks took place, said SVT’s “News”.

– It is very serious that such a service is not available. Telia shall submit a more detailed report to us about how they have handled the problem, then we will review it, said Peter Ekstedt, press officer at the National Post and Telecom Agency.

Now questioned Telia’s security by Patrik Wallström, who works as works as a DNS expert at the Foundation for internetinfrastruktur.SE.

– They have an absolute responsibility and it is serious that it is so vulnerable. Telia should have services that can handle high peaks of load, he says.

Must take more responsibility

Telia does not consider the safety shortcomings, but highlights the seriousness of the situation.

– This is a serious social problem. We can never guarantee one hundred percent that this does not happen again, says Telia Sweden Manager Ms. Frenning to “News” on SVT.

David Jacoby is a security researcher at Internet security company Kaspersky Lab. According to him, this type of attack anything that has come in the wake of the notorious hacker group “Anonymous”. He hopes that this will be a warning signal that Telia may act.

– We must begin to take more responsibility for how we manage IT security. I think many do not understand the seriousness of this. Alarm systems and alarm calls are examples of features that go through the internet. It is important societal functions that can be broken apart, he said.


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