Monday, October 3, 2016

Stockholm: the Banks in the lead after the FI-information – Business

the stockholm stock exchange has begun the week with a certain the rise. The Swedish financial supervisory authority completed capital requirements of the SHB and Nordea has given a relief in the stock market. Around the clock 13.40 had OMXS30 index climbed 0.5 per cent to 1.446 and shares for 5.5 billion had been traded on the stockholm stock exchange.

On the continent was Parisbörsens CAC40 up 0.2 per cent, while regional Euro Stoxx 50 were flat, and Frankfurt were closed for the återföreningsfirande. The british index FTSE 100 moved just over 1 per cent upwards.

According to the financial supervisory authority corresponds to the bank’s needs a core tier I ratio of 21.1 percent, while Nordea’s core tier I ratio to be 17.3 percent.

Nordea’s utdelningsambition is fixed, according to the bank’s ir manager Rodney Alfvén, and the capital requirements are assessed for both the SHB and Nordea as positive news, according to several analyses.

Handelsbanken and Nordea developed the best of the big in the OMXS30 index. Nordea lifted 3.5 per cent and Handelsbanken rose around 2 per cent to 120:30 kronor, after which most have been recorded to be high for the year 121:80 sek. The two other major banks, SEB and Swedbank, was found to 0.4 and 0.9 percent higher.

Nordsjöoljepriset has risen to a level well above the 50 dollars per barrel. Lundin Petroleum was strengthened around 1 percent, similar to the rise recorded related to SSAB.

Ericsson Australienchef Håkan Eriksson is a hot candidate as the new president and ceo, writes Dagens Industri. Shares, which rose at the end of last week after Cevian been rumored to have purchased a record in the company, traded down 0.7 percent.

the Tobii advanced 4.5 per cent to sek 75 after being taken up to the guard of Swedbank, with a buy recommendation and riktkursen 92 kronor.

Butiksinredningsbolaget Itab lifted around 6 percent after a buying advice in Today’s Industry and Hexpol rose close to 5 percent after having been raised to buy by Kepler Cheuvreux.

Positive advice in Börsveckan got B3IT to be strengthened close to 4 percent, Hiq to rise 4.5 per cent, while the Ework and Proact was close to 3 and 2%, respectively.

Elekta rose close to 3 per cent, to 85:35 sek ago Handelsbanken raised its recommendation to buy from increase with height price target to 101 from 87 crowns.

Norwegian biometriföretaget Idex trading up over 1% in Oslo after a so-called design-win for the company’s fingerprint reader Cardinal from a chinese company. Sektorkollegan Fingerprint Cards was less than 1 per cent lower while the Precise Biometrics has declined slightly more than 1%.

On the foreign exchange market, the krona strengthened with the support of industry-manufacturing PMI from the Silf/Swedbank shown a rise of 54.9 in september, 50,7 in August. The sub-index for order intake was the main driver in september.

British inköpsindex for the industrial sector rose to 55.4 in september, the highest for the index since June 2014, with the support of the weak exchange rate.

During the afternoon, the focus is mainly on the ISM’s industry-manufacturing PMI in the united states, which is expected to have risen to 50.3 from a hefty decline to 49.4 in August.


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