Sunday, December 14, 2014

Height tax in more than one in four Municipality – Orebro Tribune

Height tax in more than one in four Municipality – Orebro Tribune

Height tax in more than one in four municipal

Every fourth municipality in the country raise taxes next year. In Örebro county, all municipalities an unchanged tax except Askersund that raises taxes by 60 cents. It appears from a new audit from Taxpayers. Total raised municipal taxes in 82 municipalities while lowering in only two.

The taxpayers have been through a survey of the country’s municipalities surveyed were tax will be raised and lowered in 2015. The result shows that every fourth municipality has approved tax hikes. As the country’s three largest municipalities raise the tax effect is that four out of ten taxpayers face higher taxes.

– To some municipalities raise tax rates year after year show with all the clarity of the need to revise where the money goes. Sweden’s municipalities and county councils should focus on their core mission, to provide welfare services to the residents, and nothing else. An effective use of tax revenue could give many community residents a little more money in their wallets, says Joacim Olsson, president of Taxpayers in a statement.

Most raising taxes in Sotenäs and Trollhättan. The two municipalities that lowers taxes for its residents is Eskilstuna and Nordanstig. In a few counties raise council tax or tax bills with the municipalities, which the investigation has taken into account.

The result bases on a survey answered by 206 municipalities and 12 counties. This has been supplemented with data from the remaining municipalities and counties based on their records of municipal and county council tax rate applicable in 2015.

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