Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Tobias Baudin will be the new chairman of the Municipal – Sveriges Radio

– I am proud and happy but very humble for the job that awaits, says Tobias Baudin to echo.

• What is the job?

– it is so clear to restore confidence, we will be sure to be a union that is growing again and so should we go out and take the fight and ensure that we can change the terms of its members’ workplaces, says Tobias Baudin.

Three candidates competed for the post: Berit Müller Power Tobias Baudin and Veronica Lindholm. On Wednesday, however, announced Veronica Lindholm she jumps off as a candidate to succeed Annelie Nordström as President of the Municipal Workers’ Union.

The committee proposed yesterday Berit Müller Power as the new Municipality of Alba, but Veronica Lindholm agrees however behind Muller’s competitor Tobias Baudin.

Tobias Baudin is retiring 1st vice chairman of the LO is engineer with a long background as an elected representative of the Municipal.

– I think it’s pretty obvious to everyone that there has been this structure and culture may also have made it easy for some people to run their own race. Therefore, one must review the organization centrally so that this will not happen again, he says.

Baudin want to review the rules and ensure that they are followed.

– There must we do to be able to recruit back members who have left but also increase again.


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