Monday, February 2, 2015

Task: Bank Head of the Pre-Trial – Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet

Task: Bank Head of the Pre-Trial – Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet

The Financial Supervisory Authority has launched a review of the bank Nordea and its CEO Christian Clausen’s hunting trips in Jämtland and Härjedalen.

Clausen has for several years allowed themselves to be invited by SCA, which is also a major customer of the bank. He has also been flown to the pursuit of SCA’s plan.

It’s important for control of the business work in a good way and to maintain public confidence, says Jonathan Holst, Head of the Financial Supervisory Authority, to Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet.

Clausen is also included in the preliminary investigation pending before the national drive against corruption around the trips, according to sources for the newspaper.

The investigation will determine whether the trips may involve bribes. SCA also is big customer of Nordea reported to be troublesome for Clausen.

Peter Brunet, Press Officer at Nordea, said that the bank had no contact with the prosecutor in question and that Nordea believes that Clausen followed the applicable regulations in contacts with SCA.

According to sources, the newspaper Dagens Industri has two board members of PWC, the company SCA uses for audits, participated in trips where the purpose exclusively been hunting. Previously, the auditors have defended their involvement with the mainly been seminar trips.


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