Thursday, February 26, 2015

Washington next for Östros – Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet

Washington next for Östros – Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet

Mr Östros was really the prototype of a truly successful careerist within social democracy. But when Hakan Juholt became the Social Democratic Party in March 2011 forced Mr Östros removed from his post as the party’s economic policy spokesperson. At the same time, he had to leave the party’s power center, the Executive Committee.

Now revanscherar he with an international career on a high level. At the Cabinet meeting on Thursday appointed Mr Östros to one of the 24 executive directors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This means that he must Christine Lagarde to head.

Mr Östros to be with and take charge of the International Monetary Fund’s daily work. Directors collected several times a week. Their mission is to promote the economic development of the 188 member countries. The IMF is an agency of the United Nations but the criticism has periodically been hard on the IMF has forced poor countries to hard savings program as a condition for loans.

When Thomas Östros was born in 1965 was named the family Waaranperä . His father was a boom box in Malmberget. When the family moved to Västerås was changed Waaranperä against Östros. Mr Östros was active in the youth SSU and while studying in Uppsala, he was active in the Socialist Student Association Laboremus. In 1990, Mr Östros expert in the Finance Ministry and a few years later he became a licentiate in economics.

In 1996, Persson in Thomas Östros in the government where he was the first Treasury Secretary, then Minister of Education and ultimately for Enterprise.

He often placed in the party’s right wing. He was mentioned in speculation about who would lead the Social Democrats. Others in the alleged party right who then mentioned was Mikael Damberg today for Enterprise and Sven-Erik Österberg, today governor of Norrbotten.

But instead, Håkan Juholt party leader and perhaps Mr Östros relieved to avoid participating in the machinations and intrigues which then tormented social democracy.

But Mr Östros had to endure harsh criticism before he could move to a quieter existence. During his time in government, he had whipped the bankers for their high bonuses but in 2012 he made a quick change from toppolitiken and criticism of banks to the job of President of the banks ‘own interest organization, Bankers’ Association. The rapid change seen with disfavour, not least among former comrades.

Now the question is who will take over Mr Östros as Bankers’ Association president.


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