Thursday, June 2, 2016

Fingerprints Chair: Therefore kicked Lantto – Swedish Dagbladet

Jörgen Lantto gets fired from Fingerprint. The company’s chairman, Jan Wäreby, says that the company wanted to find better leadership. Photo: Magnus Hjalmarsson Neideman Anders Wiklund / TT

Fingerprints share falls at the stock exchange opening after the announcement. newly appointed chairman makes no secret of Jörgen Lantto would have liked to remain. But the board was not satisfied.

Got Jörgen Lantto fired?

– It always sounds so dramatic, but yes it is. Under the contract, so can a CEO agreement End the orderly.

Ville Jörgen Lantto remain as CEO?

– He’d be happy to continue. But there has also been a mature discussion.

What role has great owner and now accused Johan Carlström had a change of CEO?

– We have anchored new CEO Christian Fredrikson, with Johan Carlström. We showed Fredrikson candidate and Carlstrom thought it made sense, says Jan Wäreby.

Since Lantto took over as CEO in May last year, the price of Fingerprints share has risen by 333 percent.

– he has done a fantastic job and just spent a year. But we must broaden us and then Christian Fredrikson right person.

Christian Fredrikson is currently CEO of IT security company F-Secure. Lantto remain as CEO until Fredrikson position on 1 August.

– But he will remain forward end of the year and help the Christian Fredrikson to come on the track. We are extremely grateful for, says Jan Wäreby.

Jan Wäreby was elected as the new chairman. Photo: Björn Larsson Rosvall / Expose

The company writes in a press release: “Fingerprint Cards has begun to adapt fingerprint sensors into new market areas such as smart cards and the Internet of Things. the ambition is to strengthen its organization to best implement the strategy, and that is one reason why the Board believes that it is now appropriate to appoint a new CEO. “

– It is a united board. Jörgen Lantto has done a fantastic job and been good for the company. But now we want to take the next step and expand ourselves, says Jan Wäreby.

According to the board Christian Fredrikson extensive experience in emerging markets, and a deep anchoring in digitization and mobile connections .

– We wanted to find better leadership and know that Christian Fredrikson is a strong and visionary leader. He has a heavy background in Nokia, which moved towards a broader customer base. That’s what we want.

How will you expand you?

– There are many areas. But the next big is the credit card. Then there are all sorts of different verticals in the Internet of Things, says Jan Wäreby.

The process of finding a new CEO started in the first quarter.

– It was not easy to find good candidates. Then we saw that there was an interest from Frederick’s side.

When Jörgen Lantto took office in 2015 he succeeded Johan Carlström, who was forced off after suspicions of insider dealing. Carlström had then been CEO of the company since 2009.

Jörgen Lantto himself was surprised by the change of CEO, he told the news agency Direkt.

– Yes, I was surprised given that it is going very well and the outlook is positive. Nor do I think that stryelsen today have said anything that could be interpreted to mean that it does not go well, because it makes it, he says to Direct.

There have not been any disagreement or schism between him and Board. Not keeps to any major owner.

– Nothing that I know of. I report to the board and not to a major shareholder, he owns.

He was told that a change of CEO was underway in May for a short time ago, but swears he did not know this at the meeting on 4 May

Now ätnker he leave the company. To stay in a different rolls about the president is not an issue for Jörgen Lantto.

– It’s been a loose discussion about it, but I declined. Everything takes its time. To dehittar a replacement for me, I respect that, but that does not mean it is right for me to stay.

Now you know he does not really know what to do, but thinking maybe take it easy a train. He has nothing new assignments on time.

– People have begun to hear from, but I have no hurry.

Jörgen Lantto would not say if he intends to keep its stake in Fingerprint, which today is worth over half a billion crowns.

– The tnker I can not comment. The future will tell, says Jörgen Lantto to Direct.


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