Saturday, February 7, 2015

Bank employees will share billion – Dagens Industri

Bank employees will share billion – Dagens Industri

Bank employees will share the billions

                  2015-02-06 22:51

The employees of the four major banks will this year close to seven billion in the form of variable compensation and profit sharing programs, shows Dagens Industri review.

Most of the money Nordea’s employees. They will share more than SEK 1.5 billion in what the bank calls the bonus allocations. According to the bank, these are of several thousand people. In addition, all employees, approximately 30 000 people take part of a profit-sharing programs 864 million.

Handelsbanken’s remuneration is lower than the other major banks. The variable remuneration is 140 million. For many years, however, Handelsbanken’s employees share equally in the annual allocation to Oktogonen, a Harvest people sharing foundation, where money can be withdrawn from the 60th anniversary.

The allocation to the decreased by 27 percent last year, according to Dagens Industry.


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