Sunday, March 8, 2015

Russia attracts Swedish savers – Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet

Last year Russia funds are the big losers in the market. But despite the unrest in the country, the curve turned sharply and not since 2010, interest has been as big of Swedish investors.

– It is surprising, given the political situation. For every two Swedish savers are playing politics with how they invest their money, and it would be pretty stupid not to think so when policy governs much what happens in the market, says Avanza savings economist Claes Hemberg.

Why Russia funds going well right now is a complex issue. Old patterns show that what has been going strong year continues to rise, but in the case of Russia started the year on the ground.

– But when a stock price falls sharply, it is also cheaper to buy. It is reasonable to believe that those who are now focusing on Russia hopes that the market will get a bounce back, but such may take several years, says Jonas Lindmark, head of research at Morningstar.

Low oil prices is according to Claes Hemberg a contributing factor to many choose to invest in Russia funds.

– Active investors looking for new buying opportunities and hope that the oil price will rise. In addition, low-Funds received a hefty rise when the cheapest funds have become even cheaper, which lures back old investors to Russia, he said.

If last weekend’s murder of opposition leader Boris Nemtsov will have any impact on the market thinks he is too early to answer.

– We noticed that the stock market shook after the murder, and many refuse to save in Russia because of Putin’s policies. It will take a long time for him to build up his confidence again, but it remains to be seen how it will affect savers, says Claes Hemberg.


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