Friday, January 16, 2015

Molly undisputed number one on the top dog – Helsingborgs Dagblad

Molly undisputed number one on the top dog – Helsingborgs Dagblad

Gothenburg Published January 16, 2015 kl. 06:07 Updated 06:21

  • TT Seth Wenig

For the first time since 2007, increasing incorporation of new dogs. According to the Swedish Kennel Club statistics registered 51,111 new breeds during the last year. And Molly is still popular name.

The increase is not very big, just over one percent. But Hans Rosenberg, Press Officer at the Swedish Kennel Club is pleased.

– There is clearly positive, but maybe a bit too small numbers because we still should dare to say that there is a trend reversal.

In recent years, the number of newly registered dogs steadily declined. This year’s sudden surge, according to Hans Rosenberg explained by the economic situation in Sweden has improved.

– Dogs are cyclical. It costs a lot to have a dog, not only in purchasing, but also insurance, feed, courses and more.

Most popular is the Labrador with 2322 new registrations, followed closely by Jämthund now reaching its highest figure ever with 2 135th

– Much depends on boar hunt. Still, the dog is very suitable for hunting wild boar as there are increasing numbers of said Hans Rosenberg.

Among småhundarna is chihuahuan still unchallenged. Together ports the long-haired and short-haired variant even before labrador in popularity.

Among the names of the four-footed favorites keeps Molly still first place.

– A name taken off in the last year Ester. Also, Enzo and Kira has increased in popularity in 2014, says Magnus Kindström of Agriculture whose register now contains 791,000 dogs.

– Dog owners seem otherwise be very traditional in the name issue. We made a comparison with the top-ten list of ten years ago and it was largely the same name then as now, says Magnus Kindström



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