Saturday, March 5, 2016

Rechargeable cars are increasing in Sweden – despite this we are still worse than our … – Business Week

The number of rechargeable cars in Sweden is up to 17 000. Norway beat Sweden, however, by a long way: They have three times as many .

The number of rechargeable cars in Sweden is now up to 16,910 cars after having increased by 624 cars in February. It writes Power Circle, the electric power industry association, in a press release.

The other day reached our neighboring country, Norway, up to 50,000 rechargeable cars. The figure is significantly higher than in Sweden, given that Norway’s car fleet is almost half of Sweden. It should not be forgotten that the Norwegians, unlike the Swedes, much higher incentive to buy rechargeable cars. In Norway nämnligen these cars with certain benefits such as free parking, no tolls and no VAT on car purchasing. When one takes into account the benefits Norwegian feels digit 17,000 still quite high.

In February the Volkswagen Passat GTE for a third of the rise of rechargeable cars in Sweden. For the popular Mitsubishi Outlander plug-in hybrid, the increase during the first two months, however only been 67 cars. It explained, however, probably by a record increase in December, with 921 cars. Pure electric vehicles noted modest increases in February, when it added 42 new Tesla Model S and the Nissan Leaf 38.

Meanwhile, the infrastructure to expand. At the end of 1889 there were laddpunkter spread over 547 charging stations in Sweden. Hopefully the trend is in itself so that we can finally beat our neighbors.


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