Saturday, March 26, 2016

Sharp criticism of the proposal to close down hunting training – ATL

The proposal by the National Agency for Education is now out for consultation and, according to the newspaper Swedish hunting attributed to the school shootings around the world.

– The is a picture we get through the tragic school shootings that have taken place in the world, in the United States, Germany and Finland. We also had a sad event which admittedly had not firearms to do, but with a knife, on a Swedish school last fall, says Bengt Weidow the National Agency for the newspaper.

Wildlife Protection section should remain under Skolverket but all the weapons and hunting training to be removed on the natural resource programs available on the country’s high schools today.

the proposal has this week brought strong criticism from hunting organizations and today, several politicians out and condemn the proposal.

– it is of course important to act strongly against school shootings and terrorism, but just as with the EU proposal for weapons Directive so is this proposal is totally misguided, says Kristina Yngwe (C), vice chairman of the environment and agriculture Committee.

– A training in hunting and wildlife management involves, among other things to handle weapons with respect and caution. I do not think it is possible or desirable to legislate away everything that could create dangerous situations. It is now engaged in is a high form of tutelage over. I assume that the National Agency for thinking about and relegates the proposal to the happy hunting grounds.


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