Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The financial industry forward in equality league – Dagens Industri

The real estate industry is still , one of 33 percent women in management and 35 percent of the boards, an increase of 6 percentage points each since last year. The financial sector, however, has advanced its positions and following an increase of 4 percentage points is now 27 per cent women in the finance companies’ boards.

Amanda Lundeteg, managing director of Allbright, still think there are low numbers given that there are more women than men among the graduates economists for a long time but says there has been great progress in the last year.

“the financial industry shows that they do not can only invest in companies, they can also invest in women, “she says.

Equal management should be possible within ten years, according to Lena Apler, founder and chairman of Collector Bank.

“I think need to take every opportunity to accelerate the change,” she says. “Most industries are very conservative and traditional.”

Her own company belongs to the top of the equality league with four women in the seven-strong line. Lena Apler think the changes that digitization and relaxation of the industry with more young players an opportunity to drive the gender equality work. To better reflect the customer group will also strengthen the company.

“It is easier to get a holistic view of a mixed group. I think we have become much sharper in our analysis of what our customers want, “she says.

Still it only 10 percent of listed companies that have equal management, this defined as that there may be less than 40 per cent of each gender.

A large part of the positive change seems to be explained by the management teams declined in recent years. Since 2012, the proportion of women in management increased by 6 percentage points. In hard numbers it would still only 57 women. At the same time, the number of men in the Swedish listed companies’ lines decreased by 571 entries.

47 of the 77 companies on the blacklist, where not a single woman is found in the Board, has been there at least three years. 11 of them have not managed to get a woman on the board.

“This is companies to show that the time is not going to solve this problem,” said Amanda Lundeteg.

Moreover, it appears men and women’s education is valued differently when they are forwarded. While women must have a business degree to get a line position is a third of men with HR training in the same positions. All women with HR training can be found in the staff.





































How equal are industries
Percentage of women in management Percentage of women on the Board
Properties 33 percent 35 percent
consumer services Pipettes 28 percent 28 percent
The financial sector 27 percent 32 percent
Health 27 percent 26 percent
Telekom 25 percent 27 percent
Materials 19 percent 21 percent
Consumer Goods 17 percent 31 percent
Industry 15 percent 28 percent
Technology 14 percent 29 percent
Energy 7 percent 16 percent
Power 0 percent 10 percent




















The most and least assimilated listed companies
Super Bottom
Dedicare Africa Oil
Odd Molly Alltele
Heba Bergs Timber
Midway BlackPearl Resources
Wihlborgs Properties Etrion
Biogaia Naxs
Kappahl Novotek
Atrium Ljungberg Trigon Agri

Footnote: The figures will Allbrights from the Foundation’s annual survey of listed companies’ management teams. They are counted in the first place after the share of women in management, since the proportion of women in line positions and finally after the proportion of women on the board. All companies listed on the bottom parts last place with zero women in both management and the board.


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