Monday, March 7, 2016

She is the most powerful woman in business – Swedish Dagbladet

Since nine months back Mia Brunell Livfors his office in the atrium infiltration in the embassies on one of Östermalms finest streets. Here are thinking Axel Johnson’s new CEO on how the group should be developed.

– There are a lot of consumption patterns that change with the digitization and globalization. You have to keep up and to be in the forefront, says Mia Brunell Livfors.

She has experience downloading from another great Swedish family group, namely Stenbeck’s Kinnevik. There, she held including the chairmanship of the subsidiary, and e-commerce giant Zalando after a börsintroducering quickly rose in value of Kinnevik portfolio nugget.

The knowledge of it digital customer as she got there come undoubtedly opportune for the Axel Johnson Group.

– E-commerce is still a small percentage of total trade in Sweden. But it is growing very rapidly and has come to stay. All companies must respond to what consumers are asking, says Mia Brunell Livfors.

The next big question think she’s going to be big data, then the exponential data explosion underway and such giving companies to do better analysis of customer buying patterns.

– Big data is an area that will be developed very much, not only for the company to keep track of customers, but also to give customers better deals . Businesses will be able to be more accurate in the decisions, says Mia Brunell Livfors.

Do you have an understanding of the customers who are concerned about their privacy?

– Absolutely, I can do that myself. I am also a consumer. The turmoil is important to take seriously and that means that we must build on confidence.

The key think she is to maintain a good dialogue with customers.

– It comes to building trust in that we treat customer data with confidence. For while it is a good tool to become smarter in what we offer.

That she now bringing others time has been ranked this year’s most powerful woman in Swedish business – the first time was in 2007 – she sees as a “good rating”. At the same time, she says that the power structures of society have not got her want to call themselves feminist.

– The word feminist is that many definitions, but I’m for equality. However, it is a bigger issue than between men and women. It’s about broad groups of people with different backgrounds providing decision support.

Among the Axel Johnson companies are individual companies with boards that have as many female as male members, such as Mekonomen and Axfood. Meanwhile, there are management teams that are predominantly women.

– There we work with to recruit men, says Mia Brunell Livfors.

But the law is still a way to go before the Group all companies reach its own target of at least 40 percent of all persons with management duties to be women.

often spoken of that women are falling behind in their careers and wages associated with parental leave and during the toddler years. But it is a description that Mia Brunell Livfors is opposed to.

– I was at home for quite some time with both of my children. I think that we in Sweden be concerned about the generous parental leave as we have. If you work for 40 years, it should not play a major role if you are at home a few years in a couple of rounds.

She endorses a larger share fathers take parental leave.

– then it will not in itself a gender issue.

Affirmative she is however has long received, but she acknowledges that the discussion of mandatory measures may have contributed to the change.

– I think that the debate and the threat of legislation has accelerated. But the change must come from within companies. Now there has been much focus on the boards of listed companies, but it is only a small part. More important is to get through the change in the whole company and also in private companies, she says and adds:

– Affirmative is another form of discrimination. It creates the wrong choice at the wrong time. The most important thing is to understand that diversity provides a better basis to make decisions on. Then change be voluntary.

Mia Brunell Livfors

Current , CEO of Axel Johnson, is expected to soon take the helm of Axfood, newly elected the most powerful woman in Swedish business. Age: 50 years. Family Two sons. Live: Sodermalm, Stockholm.

Axel Johnson’s CEO Mia Brunell Livfors. Photo: Magnus Hjalmarsson Neideman


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