Monday, August 1, 2016

Samhall: More and more people with disabilities are employed – Sveriges Radio

Patrik Nelbing, working for six years as a serving host at a hamburger restaurant in Stockholm:

– It’s comrades and I are doing this as a serving host and I get to meet a lot of people.

it takes an hour and a half to get to work at a hamburger restaurant in Stockholm but for serving values ​​Patrik Nelbing there is no danger, having a job is so much more important.

– to take care of himself and think of himself as well and to go to work and get paid for what you do Monday to Friday.

the percentage of employers who say it have employees with disabilities has increased by 12 percentage points since 2014.

500 businesses were consulted and now the proportion is up to 58 percent versus 46 percent two years ago.

Monica Lingegård eat CEO of Samhall:

– we believe that it depends on a good match, an ability to see the power of diversity and we also believe that it means something to customers that companies take social responsibility.

Because it is based government salary support, it is not money, it’s about when companies do not hire people with disabilities.

– We see that there is a skills shortage. Companies need support and support to learn how it is to work with the disabled.

For Patrik Nelbing does the job a freedom but also confirmation from other than family and friends.

– I should get a gold star, that they have said several times, said Patrik Nelbing, serving host at a hamburger restaurant in Stockholm.


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