Monday, August 15, 2016

No success for trainee jobs – Västerbotten Courier

The government’s investment in trainee jobs for unemployed young people has not been a success. A year after the establishment has a total of 125 new jobs created, writes Dagens Industri referring to news agency Siren.


a trainee job entails working up to half-time with an employer while the person is studying at least 25 per cent at secondary level and train you in profession. Salary given time to work.

Anyone who can get a trainee job should be between 20 and 25, have a high school education and have been unemployed for at least three months (for the shortage occupations) or six months (for jobs in welfare ).

Source: Employment Service

It was in election campaign in 2014 that the S-conductor Stefan Löfven spoke of creating 32 000 trainee jobs. But the measure has not been seen. In 257 municipalities have not a single unemployed had a trainee job, writes Di.

Carina Wickström, head of the Employment Service in Vanersborg, find that the requirements are too harsh.

– the criteria have been so restrictive. It requires one to have been unemployed for six months, but there are almost no young people who are out of work so long, she says.

Annica Dahl, State Secretary at the Ministry of Labour, taking the figures with roses and says Siren that “There is no intrinsic value in putting young people in labor market policy measures if they can get another job.”


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