Monday, February 8, 2016

Real Estate: Some markets may overheat today – President Akelius – Dagens Industri

Real Estate: Some markets may overheat today – President Akelius

                  2016-02-08 11:36

 (SIX) Akelius Fastigheter CEO Pål Ahlsén  see an ongoing  "Currency war by printing money  and the interest rate weapon" as the reason for   why real estate prices are rising sharply.        "Some markets are hot today, maybe even  overheated. We  will likely buy fewer properties  in 2016 than we did  in 2015, "states Ahlsén in  today's financial statements for 2015.        For real estate company's own part Ahlsén  mean that about half  2015 results, at 9 billion  before taxes, is an effect of  property price  effects from the "currency war".        Akelius Fastigheter has its preference  shares (but not ordinary shares)  listed on First  North.       Preference shares Investors can  in today's report, noting that  leverage for the  Group declined from 52 percent to 48 percent  in  2015 and that the average debt maturity of loans  increased  from 4.5 years to 5.7 years.        Cash flow before change in working capital  (FFO) increased to 855  million (661) in 2015.  Recent quarterly  5-kronor dividend to preference  shareholders amounted to EUR 94  million,  equivalent to a cash-flow load of about 376   million annually.       For the past SIX  interview with Paul Ahlsén see:      Johan Eklund, tel  +46 31 350 64 87  mailto:   www.blogg.six.seSIXNyheter  SIX News 


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