Tuesday, February 2, 2016

LIST: Google’s 11 most crazy projects – Aftonbladet

Eternal life, humanoid robots and contact lenses that will make life easier for diabetics.

Google has many projects alongside its search engine – one crazier than the other .

the days when Google was just a search engine online is long past. Last year created the business owner another company, Alphabet Inc., a mothership in their sails collect lots of projects and investments in diverse areas. Everything from the super-secret lab where it researched artificial intelligence to companies that are working to develop biotechnology that would qualify in any science fiction movie.

Or how about nanoparticles that by being sent into our bloodstream can find cancer of the wifi in the eyes and microphones in the skin?

Here is Google’s most craziest projects.

first Smart contact lenses

to keep track of their glucose levels by several times a day prick and squeeze out a drop of blood is difficult. With the help of smart contact lenses where the built-in technology in miniature continuously measures the sugar level in the tears and then sends the information to an app, Google hopes to improve the lives of diabetics worldwide. Contact lenses, which may also should include LEDs that light up when the sugar level is too low, developed by subsidiary Verily.

2. Terminator – real

a robot that moves like a real person and can take through difficult terrain, climb and use tools meant for people. Subsidiary Boston Dynamics are developing a real Terminator, for example can be sent out to search and carry out rescue operations in areas where people find it difficult to get around. If it can say “Hasta la vista, baby” is unclear.

3rd Eternal life

Another 100 years in life, it sounds tempting? Calico Labs is Google company researching how we can prevent aging. Among other things – the company has a number of exciting projects in the spirit of the time. If they are close to a solution to how to kirrar eternal life? Absolutely not, but to win you have to invest. And certainly rhymes now with what Google founder himself wrote to Google some time ago: “Do not be surprised if we invest in projects that seem strange or speculative compared to our Internet business.” This is one of them.

4th Body odor remover

A device that detects when you smell the sweat and perfume automatically first, you and partly informs about the acquaintances who are in your area and give suggestions on an alternative route that does not meet them – so you do not poison the air of your friends with your odor. Google’s “Fragrance emission device” may be one of the strangest ideas now taken out a patent on.

5th nanoparticles that find diseases

in Google’s partially secret research lab X work is in right now on developing nanoparticles that by being sent into our bloodstream to find and identify cancer and other diseases. the idea is that the particles to be covered of substances that bind with the sockerter and proteins found only in diseased cells. the information about what they find will then, with the help of light signals through the skin, is sent to a portable device. in order to test how the light signals to work, the company has also taken developed artificial skin. A feat in itself.

6th Heart gesture

you know how to put together the thumbs and index fingers so that all four fingers together form a heart? The gesture Google has a patent. The idea is that Google Glass-users – by making a heart in front of something they are watching on their Google Glasses – take a photo directly posted on social media. So: Put on the glasses, looking at something, stick a finger in front of the heart and a photo you “heart” is posted.

seventh Tattoo with built-in microphone

Soon we can talk on the phone without any headset or bluetooth gadgets. In any case, if Google-Motorola Mobility company succeed with his idea to create a microphone so small that it can be tattooed on the neck. According to the company would almost all background noise could be reduced in this way. Moreover – by making measurements of skin technology would also be used as a lie detector.

8. Energy Dragons

To develop the technology in a clean and sustainable way gives us energy is really in the news, and of course, Google is in the boat. The company Makani Power develops the moment a kind of dragons that can collect wind energy. With the help of sensors and GPS technology can figure out where the strongest winds are – and then send in the dragons. One advantage of the dragons is that, compared to conventional wind turbines, can come up at higher altitudes where the winds are stronger.

9th Internet Balloons

Many of us are probably thinking of the Internet as something that is everywhere on earth. It’s not like that. Two thirds of the world’s population still has no access to the internet – something that Google intends to change that. The project Loon they send up Internet balloons by sailing around about 20 kilometers up in the air in the stratosphere, can provide connectivity to areas that otherwise is completely in shadow Internet.

10. Photographers Spirit cane

We now have most of the track on Google Street View images of areas captured at ground level, but that we are now through the internet can also check out how it looks along the hiking trails are not as well known. Google has already launched the “Street View photos” from several North American results, taken with cameras that have been stuck at the hikers backpacks, but with an even more efficient technology, it is possible that we will soon have pictures from the far more numerous hiking areas in the world. Since 2013, Google has a patent on a walking stick to take a photo each time it is put into the ground.

11th Environmental advertising

We have long grown accustomed to targeted advertising, now is the time for the next step. By equipping smartphones and other devices with technology that can measure temperature, humidity, sound and light, Google will in the future be able to send advertising completely adapted to the environment. In short: The sun peeps out from behind the clouds – and an ad for sunglasses, or perhaps sunscreen, popping up on the cell phone.


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