Monday, February 8, 2016

HQ prosecutors set against 15 lawyers: Of course I’m excited – Swedish Dagbladet

Stockholm District Court and hall 34 where the large HQ-trial procedure. Photo: Magnus Hjalmarsson Neideman

There are no ordinary jailbird , which will take place in Room 34 of the Stockholm District Court on Tuesday. The former bank management in HQ Bank and the Bank’s auditors may sit down in the chairs suspects.

The house is built to command respect. High ceilings, shiny stone floors and the occasional right irascible embellishment.

Those now charged with Mats Qviberg, Stefan Dahlbo, Mikael König, Curt Lönnström and Johan Dyrefors. For the five become the courtroom as something of a work in the coming months. Though with considerably more coercive than what they are accustomed. Here, they all show up every rättegångsdag, whether they want to or not.

They must have gone through the mandatory security check in the morning before the hearing starts at 9.30 am, and they can not leave the court until the end of the day. The trial will run for 35 days, ending only a piece in May.

They must comply with the plan that the court has established, and they will be treated just the same as other criminal suspects. For example, get the HQ managers take the usual route through the main entrance into the court, where the bags and coats X-rayed at an airport. They must wait for the grid of busy, echoing halls outside the halls, coffee in the courts diner and share toilets and cloakroom with all the others.

Though of course it is a very special goal. The principals of a failed bank, which stands accused of both rough swindle and aggravated accounting offense.

– It’s clear. It is not usual. But it is important to remember that everyone is equal before the law, says Martin the time, Chief Prosecutor at the Economic Crime Authority which operates the matter with his colleague Ingela Ohlén.

One may wonder if he is stressed.

– I have been a prosecutor for so long. But it is clear, with 15 lawyers on the other side, and an expected huge media attention – it is clear that it affects.

He and prosecutor Ingela Ohlén have prepared the trial since October .

– this is probably the case which I have put in the most time on. Yes, that’s probably the biggest goal I had.

He thinks that they are well prepared.

– I have relied on the evidence needed to substantiate the indictment, and this should be presented the district court. This can be done in different ways, and we use technology tools, says Martin time.

From the court is also sure that this trial is that the criminal process at any time.

– From our side, it is one among the thousands of cases decided here every year, says Rebecca Hellgren, fiscal administration at the Stockholm District Court.

the District Court has uploaded dual judges. Senior Judge Karin Kussak and Alderman Carl Rosenmüller will judge along with four jurors. It is routine to do so for the larger goals, says Rebecca Hellgren. But certainly require this trial vast resources of the district court. What it costs the Court is not possible to say, she explains.

– The Court does not expect that. There is no way to calculate the cost of a particular goal, she says.

However, the attorney costs surely be enormous, as SvD spoke about the other day. In the criminal proceedings have lawyers, Per E. Samuelsson has already received an advance of 1 million of state for defense by Stefan Dahlbo.

The judges certainly do not want to discuss the lawsuit now before it started. All involved are afraid that someone will spill the mouth, so that the law could be disqualified. Such things have happened before, and when the trials had taken over from the beginning.

Preparations in court is accurate. Among other things, two preparatory meetings were held with those involved, where they went through how to sit, the timetable and the practical arrangements necessary. The last meeting was held on Monday, says Carl Rosenmüller.

It may require a lot of planning on the logistics. There is a heavy investigation, both figuratively and literally. The investigation is at 8034 pages. The weight is about at least 40 kilos of paper.

– There are perhaps a few hundred pages of them is my evidence. Much of the other material is to put things in context, said prosecutor Martin time.

Sal 34 where the large HQ-trial procedure. Photo: Magnus Hjalmarsson Neideman

Prosecutions for HQ crash

tomorrow Tuesday will start criminal proceedings against those responsible in HQ Bank. It’s about whether leadership is guilty of a crime or not.

  • Mats Qviberg, former Chairman of HQ AB is charged with aggravated racketeering.

  • Stefan Dahlbo, former chairman of HQ Bank is charged with aggravated swindle and aggravated accounting offense.

  • Michael König, former CEO of HQ Bank, is being prosecuted for aggravated swindle and aggravated accounting offense.

  • Curt Lönnström, former member of the board of HQ AB and HQ Bank is charged with aggravated swindle and aggravated accounting offense.

  • Johan Dyrefors, an auditor at KPMG, is charged with complicity in grave racketeering.

After the criminal trial, follow the three civil lawsuits that are expected to last for years.


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