Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Handelsbanken Raises Dividend – Private Businesses

Handelsbanken’s operating profit was 5.533 billion kronor in the fourth quarter. That compares with the expected 5.678 billion, according to SME Direkt.

Net interest income amounted to 6.971 billion kronor, compared with the expected 6.81 billion, and net commission income was 2.343 billion. There was the average forecast of 2.365 billion.

The Board proposes an increase in the ordinary dividend to SEK 4.50 per share and an extra dividend of SEK 1.50 per share. For 2014, the bank shared out 5:83 of which SEK 4:17 SEK regular dividend.

The proposed dividend is thus becoming a total of SEK 6.00 per share, compared with expected 5:83 crowns.


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