Tuesday, February 2, 2016

H & M now acknowledge this for a human rights organization. – Aftonbladet

A Syrian refugee children and several Syrian refugees have been without work permits worked for a subcontractor to the Swedish H & amp; M in Turkey.

H & amp; M is now admitting that a human rights organization.

This is one of two large clothing company, H & amp; M and UK NEXT, which relies Syrian refugee children in their factories in Turkey in 2015. It presented in an report by the human rights organization Business and Human Rights Resource Center, BHRRC.

According to the report, the refugees are working in factories for slave wages and are at high risk of being exploited, not least sexual. Clothing from factories in Turkey comes including to stores in Europe.

The human rights organization sent a request to the 28 European clothing company about how good the control they have on that refugees do not work illegally and their suppliers.

H & amp; M and NEXT acknowledged that refugees working without permission on their behalf. H & amp; M also admits that a Syrian refugee children worked in one of the factories.

BHRRC writes however also report that H & amp; M and NEXT should be commended for their work against child exploitation – unlike other clothing companies in Turkey.

“After identifying the case of child labor in a factory in Turkey in 2015, we completed the business relationship immediately,” writes the Swedish clothing giant in a press release.


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