Friday, February 5, 2016

Dairy farmers applaud the rapid change of management at Arla – Swedish Dagbladet

Photo: Lars Pehrson

dairy group Arla launches a comprehensive savings where around 500 jobs will disappear. Moreover poked its Sweden-president, Henri de Sauvage, from group management, reports said.

While there is an ongoing crisis in the dairy industry, SVT’s Mandate Review has shown how Arla put big money on including representation.

Managers and officials have used dairy farmers money to parties and banquets, as well as trips abroad that had nothing to Arla’s business to do.

Stefan Farm chairing in Sweden dairy farmers applaud the decision and says to SvD Business that it is good that it is now clean up the company.

– officials Arla has blackened the brand. Heads must roll otherwise we can never rebuild confidence, he says, and emphasizes that farmers still have the confidence of consumers but that officials damaged Arla through a “disrespectful behavior”.

– It may sound brutal but it is really good to Arla is now showing that it is serious. To restore confidence in the company must be the boss who is responsible to go, says Stefan Farm.

Sweden-CEO Henri de Sauvage will retain responsibility for the Nordic markets, but poked from group management . Even Finn S Hansen, former head of the Consumer International, leaving the lead. He will remain in charge of, among other things, Australia and Russia.

“We need to act locally and think globally and the new organization reflects that,” says CEO Peder Tuborgh in a press release.

the savings package includes a reduction of the Group management from nine to seven people.

the group will also slim down its workforce by seven percent, about 500 of a total of 7000 jobs will disappear.


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