Monday, May 11, 2015

Hemnet Sales threatened by the Competition Authority – Today’s News





The Norwegian Schibsted’s attempt to take over the housing advertiser Hemnet can be stopped – by the Competition Authority.






Norwegian Schibsted’s attempt to take over the housing advertiser Hemnet can be stopped – by the Competition Authority.

Schibsted own this block Housing and want to buy Hemnet, which dominates the market for mortgage ads in Sweden . But according to Dagens Media can deal, worth 1.5 billion, to a halt.

– We will scrutinize the deal carefully, and we can this market well then we as late as December, successfully ran a process in court against Swedbank’s acquisition of the Swedish Property, says Per Karlsson, General Counsel of the Competition Authority.


Still, no formal notification the transaction submitted to the Competition Authority. The deal can also be stopped by Schibsted not get into all the acts in Hemnet. Two of the owners, Swedbank estate agency and the Swedish Property – totaling 50 percent of the shares – have accepted Schibsted’s bid. It is not yet the other two owners, Estate Agents Association and the Real Estate Agents, done.

Schibsted has conditioned the deal with that it becomes the owner of all shares.






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