Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Pfizer increases turnover – Vestmanlands County Newspaper

The pharmaceutical company Pfizer, sales  rose 11 percent in the second quarter. Stock  Photography.

 The pharmaceutical company Pfizer, sales rose 11 percent in the second quarter. Stock Photography.


Mark Lennihan


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the launch of a new drug for the treatment of breast cancer helped give Pfizer an extra boost in the second quarter. The US pharmaceutical giant reported a higher turnover than expected for the period. Sales rose 11 percent to 13.2 billion dollars, or 113 billion during the period, compared with $ 11.9 billion a year ago.

Analysts had on average expected a turnover of 13, 0 billion, according to a Reuters poll.

Net revenue declined to $ 2.0 billion, or 17 billion, compared with $ 2.6 billion last year.

in April scrapped Pfizer plans to buy the Irish botox maker Allergan for 160 billion dollars, about 1370 billion. A business that was about that Pfizer wanted to move its headquarters to Ireland to bring down the corporate tax rate.


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