Friday, August 5, 2016

Pension funds locked in funds – Västerbotten Courier

Economy. More than 22,000 savers in the premium pension has got his money locked in funds due to a dispute between Swedish Pension Agency and the fund company Falcon funds. It is about three funds where investors have together 2.4 billion invested, according to Dagens Nyheter.

In June, the authority said the contract with the management company and asked that it would sell the assets of the three funds so that they could placed in the state option AP7 Safa instead. But the fund company has not done.

– Falcon refuses to issue the sales orders that we have and which we are entitled, according to the regulations. We have been told that they stopped trading in the funds, says Michael Westberg, General Counsel for the Pension Authority, told DN.

– It is very important that the money be released and it is very worrying that drags on.

According to Falcon Funds, the Agency has no right to terminate the agreement.

the more than 22,000 savers can not now make some new choices in the system. The Agency can not say when they get access to their money.

When the dispute, which deals with external advisors should have used savers electronic ID to switch funds, determined is unclear. There are several cases in the courts.

At the same time, developments in the funds has been poor. Last year, they fell by 7-12 percent in value, according to research firm Morningstar, while Shaphan went up by 6 per cent during the same period.


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