Saturday, August 6, 2016

Pennies can be big money – Västerbotten Courier

Economy. In two months, the new single and femkronorna in trade. At the same time gather the old in and become scrap metal. But beware – your pennies can be worth big money.


October 3 introduces new one-, two- and femkronor coins. The two lowest denominations are copper colored. Femkronan becomes golden.

June 30, 2017 will be the current one, two and femkronor coins invalid.

Source: The Riksbank

Femkronor manufactured before 1972 has a silver content of 40 percent and are worth much more than “5-an” stands for.

– I would estimate that today can get around $ 25 for a two pence coin from before 1972. However, the price will vary with daily exchange, said Christian Hamrin, president of the Swedish Mynthandlares Association.

It is with great certainty large values ​​that are tucked away in Swedish homes.

– It is safe if a few million “silver fives” that are still out there. Many do not think that they have the coins they can get better paid if they turn to a coin dealer. And it could also happen to have some coins that are rare, says Christian Hamrin.

Also krona coins embossed with the year before 1968, it has a higher value. According to Christian Hamrin it should be around a dollar.

– the official listing of silver is higher, but you can calculate to get 60-65 percent of the value of a coin dealer. So it’s good if you look through their collections of pennies before you act them out or send it as a kilogram to be.

One and femkronor from recent times includes an alloy of copper and nickel. The coins will be invalid to use commercially next summer. Those that are recovered will be melted down and sold as metal.


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