Monday, April 11, 2016

Strike in Gothenburg ferry – Göteborgs-Posten


ALMEGA turned down Merchant Marine Officers’ Association’s bid. Therefore, it strikes for large parts of the archipelago ferries in Gothenburg. Construction has also said no to mediation bid. Over 200 construction workers in the West can go on strike.

The sheaves sharply in wage negotiations. After lengthy negotiations between the Merchant Marine Officers’ Association and ALMEGA ended up ALMEGA said no to the offer involving more than 300 ship’s officers.

Thus begins the strike of large parts of the archipelago traffic from midnight on Tuesday night. Even älvfärjorna in Gothenburg concerned.

The employer ALMEGA believes that the bid would result in an excessive increase in wage costs.

– We’re talking about 8-10 percent. The union wants in its proposal also reintroduce tarifflön, which we do not see any reason why, says Patrik Eidfelt, negotiator on ALMEGA, said.

According to the Merchant Marine Officers’ Association, it is not the wage issue in itself that is the crucial issue, without employers to merge three different contracts to a joint industry agreement.

– the employers are trying to get to the worst contract in the market, and we want the current agreement. There are large deterioration dealing for our members, says Mats Jäderland, CEO of Merchant Marine Officers’ Association.

– It’s about wage cuts, differences in the general conditions in terms of ob-payments. We’re just trying to save the good agreements we have today, so for our part, this conflict is not about to push up some wages. We try to protect our members get to keep their contracts, he said.

Total covered seven ferries in the archipelago traffic in the Gothenburg region (see box) – but there are only two of those in the active traffic. And the strike will affect travelers from traffic starting on Tuesday morning.

– For the Gothenburg area’s part, it’s about Älvfrida, which runs between Stenpiren and Lindholmen. For ferry services to the southern archipelago include the strike fast ferry Valö, but not after 16.30 in the afternoon, says Christer Olsson, head of the boat and tram traffic on Västtrafik.

Both Västtrafik and Styrsöbolaget companies will post information on their websites about how the strike will affect traffic.

– for älvtrafiken it means there will be fewer departures, but there is the opportunity for passengers to ride the bus or Älvsnabben instead. For archipelago of travelers means there will be more crowded on the ferries and may take longer, says Christer Olsson.

Even the construction industry at risk to stand before the work stoppage from six o’clock on Tuesday morning, after the building declined mediators bid Saturday. On Monday sat Building negotiator in long conversations with the Mediation Institute mediator. But both the building and the counterparty Swedish Construction Federation described the conflict as a threat is imminent.

– What 6F Building and want is that their höglöneförbund will pull away even more. They do not care if it takes place in the female-dominated low-wage affiliates expense. The building would abandon solidarity salary model given real wage increases for all are deeply worrying, writes Mats Åkerlind vice president of the Swedish Construction Federation.

Total risk 2 600 construction workers in Sweden to go on strike, of which just over 200 are at work in West.

But like the Merchant Marine Officers’ Association is not about money terms in pay packets, but the contract design.

– the employer wants to reduce the things that we have fightats for many years and received into the Agreement. It’s all about leverage and how it looks in the workplace. That’s what you want to degrade. By writing the contract, we write the on the social peace, to make it through deterioration, it feels very, very strange, says Tomas Emanuelsson, president of the Building West.

Building believe that the Swedish Construction Federation wants to restrict it union influence. That can not go on.

FACTS: The strike of ferry traffic

the following ferries in Gothenburg Styrsöbolaget archipelago traffic is levied on strike from midnight on 12 april.


the joint







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