Saturday, April 9, 2016

How to cheat Swedes on the Scholastic Aptitude Test – Expressen

On Saturday depreciated university entrance exam – and participants are expected to use advanced technology to cheat.

But now University and College Council (UHR) put university aptitude cheaters in prison.

– It’s a bad habit that people buy beyond the sex, says Åke Lernefalk, press secretary of UHR.

When the university entrance exam was written last on October 24 last year, cheated at least 51 candidates. There are as many as University and College Council (UHR) failed due to cheating – but there is an unrecorded.

Now UHR vigorous efforts by a rule change which would allow for a completely new method to get the go cheaters.

– the test participant declares that it “on your honor” should follow the rules during the test. With such an affidavit, it then becomes possible to notify the police of participants who cheat for “untrue statement”, says Åke Lernefalk, press secretary of UHR.

READ ALSO: Students are forced to leave the Karolinska Institute for cheating

such a rule change can be made at the earliest in the autumn and would, according to Ake Lernefalk make it possible to prosecute persons for cheating where it was previously not possible. The sentence would then can be be a fine or imprisonment not exceeding six months , has authority jurist Drazenko Jozic said earlier.

Cheats Using advanced technology

To cheat on the Scholastic Aptitude Test is not a new phenomenon – although the development of technology has opened up new opportunities. Ake Lernefalk tells of an electronic fraud brought to light in recent times.

– Somehow you use an earphone and Bluetooth technology to connect to anyone outside the house that gets the issues and then, in the earpiece, says the responses to the writing sample.

In December last year revealed UHR 42 people have used the method of cheating – but nobody got no penalty. Was given a trial participants to write about the sample without having to pay for it.

– It is a violation of our rules to do this, but so far not under the Criminal Code. So the only thing we can do is to refuse to give them the point, said UHR’s deputy department head Carina Hellgren DN .

Taking the help of the police against the ghostwriter

another, more traditional method of cheating in university entrance exam is to hire so-called ghost writer. Against payment writes ghost writer sample – and using fake identification documents to submit sample in someone else’s name.

When UHR begins to suspect that someone let a ghostwriter write test requests to gain – from the police’s National forensic center (NFC).

READ ALSO: Suspect big cheating on university entrance exam

– they analyze the handwriting, and if they see it as likely that the signature is forged as police reports, we trial participant for misrepresentation or misuse of records, says press secretary Ake Lernefalk.


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