Thursday, May 14, 2015

VEHICLE: Toyota and Nissan recalls 6.6 MLN CARS – Dagens Industri

VEHICLE: Toyota and Nissan recalls 6.6 MLN CARS

                  2015-05-13 09:31

 STOCKHOLM (AFX) vehicle manufacturers Toyota and Nissan to recall a greater amount of cars that contained defective airbags from Takata krockkuddstillverkaren.
 It writes Bloomberg.
 Toyota will recall about 5 million vehicles of 35 different models made in the period 2003-2007. Nissan will simultaneously to recall about 1.6 million cars.
 Since 2008, ten automotive manufacturers together recalled in the hundred 17 million vehicles due to faulty airbags.

Therese Lystedt +46 8 5191 7916


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