Friday, May 1, 2015

The home may be greater than you think – Swedish Dagbladet

– New measurements show that houses and apartments are on average ten percent larger than what was specified, says Ewa Mårtensson Lindén, real estate agents in Malmo.

But of them already aware of the reports get to their house is bigger to hold the assessed value. And no tenant owners are willing to change in his apartment directory.

– It would complicate things too much, says Mårtensson Lindén.

The new size comes mainly houses and apartments built in the 1980s and backward. In 1987 established new rules for measuring and 2009, yet a new regulatory framework based on the former.

These meant Although no revolutionary changes, but is clearer and more precise than the previous ones. Should drywall counted? Fireplace? Wardrobe? And how can a staircase be measured – or maybe not at all?

Yes, drywall not thicker than 30 centimeters counted as living space (and thicker counted just 30 centimeters), as well as wardrobe and fireplace. With few exceptions – such as some floor space under the sloping ceiling – counts virtually all spaces between the outer walls, the insides of the boarean if they can be accessed from within the residence. It follows that the staircase between the two floors is counted as living space on two planes.

– They differ in floor space and living space. The old rules was not so precise and not easy to interpret. It was a little more “roughly”, says Magnus Gramstrup the Swedish Area measurement which was co-produced the recent measurement standard.

The measure of home was previously simply not so important as in the day when every square meter of an apartment in central Stockholm means 70,000 to 80,000 kronor a price difference in a sale. A new measurement result often evokes joy howl of sellers.

– A 49 square meter apartment in Vasastan was in fact 54 squared. This is about money, notes Gramstrup.

The results of a measurement does not make everyone happy. A tenant in Gothenburg thought his apartment was less than the lease 140 square meters. In reality, measuring 153 square home.

Magnus Gramstrup:

– But perhaps he was not told the landlord.


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