Sunday, May 10, 2015

Small savers interest in the stock market at its peak – Swedish Dagbladet

stick straight up in the first few months – then sharply down. Stockholm Stock Exchange has offered fluctuations from year-end and today is the rise of around 10 percent, compared with 19 percent in late April.

small savers have been found to be active to try to make money. Total made the Swedish private investors 123,000 equity trades per day during the last week. Last individuals were so active was 2008, according to Claes Hemberg, savings economist at Avanza.

Even competitor Nordnet out that activity among small investors has increased, among other things, has received an increased number of new customers. At the same time, Nordnet numbers that interest in funds nowadays is greater than the pure equity trading.

– The Swedish private investors’ fund turnover Nordnet has risen by 99 percent in the beginning of the year, compared to the year before, says Gunther Marder, savings economist at Nordnet.

For all months in 2015, the number of customers who made at least one fund business has been higher than the number who made at least one share transaction. Growth in fund investors are mainly due to new customers are more likely to save in the right mutual funds instead of individual stocks.

Among the funds that have attracted more than previously mentioned Gunther Marder funds focusing on Japan, India and China, but also Sweden funds continue to attract savers. He also sees a renewed interest in hedge funds.

– They have clearly received a boost, says Gunther Marder.

According Avanza , Claes Hemberg is the transition to cheap index funds is the major event among small savers. With cheap index funds here refers to funds with a fee of 0.3-0.4 percent. During the first quarter was cheap index funds for 11 percent of all new savings in mutual funds. Five years ago the share was 5 percent.

– There has been a steady increase of one percentage point per year in recent years, but in recent months has accelerated, said Claes Hemberg.

He says that Swedes pay 25-30 billion in mutual fund fees per year.

– Because it means a lot when many are switching from expensive to cheaper funds.

As the investment savings account has become more popular, more and more that can change funds without having to raise sales in the declaration. It has simply become easier and cheaper to change funds.

Another trend among small savers is that global funds have become more common, the Sweden funds’ expense.

– Many elderly people have had Sweden funds for decades. When they retire, they sell their Sweden funds. While purchasing the younger generation global funds to diversify risk, said Claes Hemberg.

Even if the share purchases now represent a smaller share of total trade among Nordnet customers, so it remains. And in the recent past, savers have bought AssaAbloy, the Danish Novo Nordisk shares, H & amp; M, Atlas Copco and Ericsson. On säljarlistan, Volvo, Sandvik, Investor and Trelleborg.

– companies that have been going strong leads to sales. They want to bring home the profits simply says Günther Marder.


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