Friday, May 15, 2015

Greece: Weidmann is critical of the ECB’s emergency loans to banks – Dagens Industri

Greece: Weidmann is critical of the ECB’s emergency loans to banks

                  2015-05-15 06:59

 (SIX) Jens Weidmann, head of the German Bundesbank and member of the ECB,  criticizes the weekly increases in emergency loans from the ECB to the  Greek banks. It is not considered to be in line with the prohibition on  monetary financing of states. It stated Weidmann according to an article  German Handelsblatt, according to Dow Jones Newswires.       "In light of the prohibition of monetary financing of states, I think  not that it's okay to banks without access to the market  granted loans, which finances the state bonds that do not have  access to the market, "said Weidmann.       Further, announced the central bank member that he expects to  rising inflation in the EMU and that concerns about deflation are unfounded.       "I expect the EMU economy recovers and inflation  picks up again as a result - even as oil price effects on  inflation rate expires, "he said.      Erik Palmung +46 31 350 64 86  mailto:   www.blogg.six.seSIXNews  SIX News 


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