Saturday, September 13, 2014

Equality first in final debate – Swedish Dagbladet

Equality first in final debate – Swedish Dagbladet

The Red-Green downplayed the differences.

With less than 48 hours left before the polls closing, the debate much on avoiding mistakes of Prime rivals. The harsher tone from some of the earlier debates were conspicuous by their absence.

Reinfeldt stated that the government’s “job machine” works, claiming that Löfvens trainee jobs for young people are not real jobs. Löfven countered that he should lift young people from unemployment to jobs in welfare.

Alliance tried on several occasions to highlight disagreement among the red-green. Centre Party leader Annie Loof waved parties joint election manifesto for clear that the Red-Green has no common policy.

The Liberal Party’s Jan Björklund pointed to Russian aggression in Ukraine and warned that for the Left Party and the Green Party in government would be a disaster for defense. Left leader Jonas Sjöstedt thought Björklunds chaos warnings were ridiculous.

– It comes from the man who wants to adopt the euro. It’s like stepping on the Titanic when you see the iceberg on the horizon, he said.

The alliance also tried again push Stefan Löfven for news on energy policy. Both V and MP wants to shut nuclear reactors next term. That is not S.

– The absolute requirement is that we should not charge new nuclear power, said the Green Party spokesperson Gustav Fridolin.

political science professor Jonas Hinnfors think the Red-Green did everything to duck on those issues where disagreement between the three parties is obvious.

– You really do not have any weak spots where the Alliance gets right, he says.

As a sign of unity, they had red-green Party leaders matching red ties. S leader Stefan Löfven denied, however, that there would be a deliberate strategy behind the clothing selection.

– In fact, we discovered it just out here that we had almost the same, but it was not planned.

Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt said that he got the image of a close-knit Alliance.

– statements which give the Alliance’s joint and ready to become government policy. All the Red-Green says, they refer only to what his own party think and it’s not government policy.

A leader Stefan Löfven found the debate clarifying for voters.

– It turns out not least on the job issue. I thought they (the government) spent a lot of time complaining about our proposals in place to add your own.

The question is how many voters who are affected by the final party leader debate. Approximately every tenth deemed decide on election day, but it does not mean that they change party. And the SVT party leader debates are not watching the same party as the Eurovision Song Contest, whose final 3.2 million looked at in years.


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