Thursday, September 25, 2014

Mortgage rates fell in August – Swedish Dagbladet

Mortgage rates fell in August – Swedish Dagbladet

Household rates , for mortgages signed in August, fell to an average of 2.15 percent, compared with 2.21 percent the month before. Both variable (three-month rate) and fixed interest rates fell.

The actual loan rate for a new three-month low, according to SCB mortgage at 2.11 percent in August. This is far below the banks advertised list prices on their site. All major banks have list prices that are between 2.42 and 2.44 per cent for a three-month loan.

Negotiating space, rebate, is thus an average of just over 0.30 percentage points.

Between June and July , the average interest rate on new business on average by 0.16 percentage points to 2.21 percent. Between June and August, then the average interest rate on new housing loans fell by 0.22 percentage points, from 2.37 percent to 2.15 percent, according to Statistics Sweden. Latest interest rates remained at the low level was in May 2010.

The increase in household borrowing continues at the same rate, 5.6 percent. And in August passed a new frontier, 3,000 billion, or three trillion, as households borrowed from banks and other financial companies.


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