Saturday, August 1, 2015

No Pacific Agreement on Hawaii – Hufvudstadsbladet

Drug Patents and dairy trade put a spanner in the TPP, the giant trade twelve countries around the Pacific Ocean attempted to negotiate.

The negotiations, which are now completed at the luxury Westin on Maui, has dealt with topics such as standardization, labor, environmental protection and resolution of disputes between governments and foreign companies.

The meeting was planned as the culmination of five years of negotiations on an agreement which covers 40 per cent of world trade . A crucial question has been patent for the so-called biologics, which the United States demanded twelve years of patent life, while Australia wanted five years, Chile no patents at all.

– the US was on one side, and virtually all other countries in the others, says an anonymous negotiator from one of America’s counterparties to Reuters.

No one was prepared to give in, said the source.


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