Saturday, August 1, 2015

Car thieves injured in the crash – Dagens Industri

car thieves injured in crash

                  2015-08-02 02:11

Two suspected car thieves in their 20s were injured in a crash after the high-speed fleeing from a police car in western Sweden. They now receive care at the hospital in Kungälv.

The state of them should not be life threatening. They are conscious and spoken, says Johan Ljungberg, assistant duty officer in the Police Region West.

The car was discovered during a wobbly journey of a patrol in Stenungsund. The police sought to stop, but instead of stopping the driver drove the E6. The speed was so high that the police patrol lost touch.

In a sharp turn at Kodemotet in Kungälv municipality came the stolen car off the road and drove down a power pole. The suspected car thief were a man and a woman, stayed in the car when the emergency services arrived. Both were transferred by ambulance to hospital for treatment.


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