Monday, July 13, 2015

The news: Deal with Greece finished – Aftonbladet

Now it is clear. There will be no Grexit.

Greece gets a third package of € 800 billion, but first they must take tough measures.

– I have never ever seen a country been so close to collapse before, says Robert Bergqvist, chief economist at SEB.

After 17 hours of negotiation between the euro countries’ heads of government, it is now clear – Greece must remain in the euro zone .

However, to do that, Greece’s parliament later on Wednesday to approve the agreement, and that means they have to accept many of the constraints that people voted no to a week ago.

– The story says that you not have done it earlier, but I think they will do it because there is a problem understanding in Greece that has never existed before, says Robert Bergqvist, chief economist at SEB.

Sheep 800 billion

The euro countries have agreed to give Greece a third aid program totaling 86 billion euros over three years. They should also receive EUR 35 billion in various types of EU funding from the structural funds. But to get the money they need to implement tough reforms.

They must, among other things, implement the pension reforms, they must liberalize its economy, privatize energy and transmission and reforming their labor practices.

– We know it will be difficult to implement the settlement. But the Greeks will support it because it gives hope of recovery, said the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras of Greece was standing in the agreement.

Greece is currently in an uphill battle that will be difficult to get out. They did not pass the first two support packages, so now the question is: what say they would manage a third?

– There is an increased problem awareness and moreover applies that politicians are persistent and believe in this policy, for they do not do it, we’re back to square one, says Robert Bergqvist.

The whole of Europe will vote

Now it is up to Greece to take decisions last Wednesday and then it remains to be see how the world receives the agreement. The other eurozone countries’ parliaments will also vote on whether the agreement was right and proper.

According to German Chancellor Angela Merkel is that despite today’s success is still a “long and difficult” way to go.

– A nominal debt reduction for Greece is excluded, she said.


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