Friday, September 12, 2014

Putin accuses the West of sabotaging – Swedish Dagbladet

Putin accuses the West of sabotaging – Swedish Dagbladet

The EU and the United States has decided to extend its sanctions against Russia, despite the current ceasefire.

– When the situation moves toward a peaceful solution, taken steps directed at disrupting the peace process, said Putin after both the USA and the EU announced expanded sanctions against Russia, according to Reuters, citing Russian news agencies.

Putin also said he suspects that Ukraine itself does not interest anyone but is used as a way to “destabilize international relations” .

Both the United States and EU sanctions targeting several companies in the energy and defense sectors. The EU also expanded the list of persons subject to a visa ban and whose assets are frozen. US sanctions also prevent certain Russian banks to do business in parts of the American financial market, including Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank in terms of assets.

The companies named by the EU’s oil giants Rosneft and Transneft, and oil portion of the gas giant Gazprom. In addition, targeted restrictions against United Aircraft Corporation, the parent company of the producers of warplanes Me and Sukhoi, and Uralvagonzavod and Oboronprom that both manufactures military equipment.

the United States directs in turn sanctions on energy companies Transeft, Lukoil, Gazprom, and Gazprom’s oil side and Surgutneftgas. The state defense company Rostec and five other state companies in the defense sector will be restricted, according to AFP.

The sanctions were extended despite the ceasefire comes after a week in Ukraine. European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso called the truce a positive step, but it is not enough.

– There is still not enough to guarantee sustainable peace, he said on Friday.

Even on the Moscow Stock Exchange initially pushed downwards by slips if new Western sanctions and the ruble fell to a historic low point, so the trend turned quickly. RTS index, which reflects the Moscow Stock Exchange’s dollar value, had in Friday’s closing trade went up by 0.1 percent. According to Mikhail Kuzmin, analyst at Invest Cafe in Moscow, came the big negative reaction Thursday.

– Now it’s up as some had expected something worse, he told Reuters.


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