Monday, September 15, 2014

Important to keep vågmästarrollen “- Aftonbladet

Important to keep vågmästarrollen "- Aftonbladet

Sweden Democrats becoming the third largest party and strengthen its vågmästarposition.

Jimmie Åkesson think that the result is terrific.

– It’s a terrific election results, we will be a strong balance of power and is really the only thing that goes up in the election, he says to Aftonbladet.

SD tip the scale in the Swedish parliament for the next four years. Jimmie Åkesson believes that it will be difficult for the other parties to ignore them during the term.

– It’s one thing to get a state ministerial choices, it can safely cope with, although I do not know how the bourgeois will act when Löfven proposed. But you should also be able to run the country in the next four years, it may be more difficult if you do not have förankat their policies, says Akesson.

Which individual parties you would rather work together after the election, he can not answer.

– We cooperate with the parties that gives us the most back in our profile questions.

“The others can not cooperate”

The Sweden Democrats have more than doubled, from 2006 elections.

– Four years ago, we became Sweden’s new parliamentary party with pretty good margin. During these four years, we have grown and we are now the third largest party. We have more than doubled since we last election, I think it’s absolutely amazing. We are the absolute balance of power. The other parties can not work together to shut out us, says Jimmie Åkesson on the Sweden Democrats’ election night party.

Just after 22:30, he stepped up on stage in front of cheering comrades.

Several politicians from different parties has already started sending out feelers and discuss ways to exclude Sweden Democrats from power.

– We are a very strong balance of power. You can certainly find technical formations that exclude us from all influence, but you should be able to rule the country for four years. It is difficult if you do not want to talk to us or listen to us, says Jimmie Åkesson in the SVT valsändning.

“Best case scenario”

An hour later, 23:30, interviewed Jimmie Åkesson SVT valstudio. He reiterated the importance of the Sweden Democrats are now the balance of power.

– It was not unexpected that we were the third highest, but this was the best scenario I could count on. It becomes very difficult for the other parties to try to isolate us now that we are absolute balance of power

He does not want to go into who he wants to support the prime minister.

– There is much to analyze before we should say what we should do. We want to have an impact on our profile issues, especially immigration, but also issues such as correctional facilities, said Jimmie Åkesson.

SVT: Will you support Stefan Löfven as prime minister?

– Would Stefan Löfven have my support, he may come and say what he wants to do, if we do not get anything back in our profile questions so we are voting against.

“An important milestone”

For Björn Söder is the result symbolically important.

– For us it is an important milestone in the quest to take up the battle with the S and M to be greatest in Swedish politics, says the South, which assumes that the third place also should mean more influence, such as a Vice President.

– After the last election, when we got the mail as it referred to the tradition, now I assume that you will live after the tradition which are and gives us the Second Vice President, says the South.

Sweden Democrat parliamentary candidate Paula Bieler believe that the party has become clearer to the voters.

– We have been out and seen more than before, but it has also been seen that we have responsibility over the four years past, says Paula Bieler.

She does not believe the writings and scandals surrounding Sweden Democratic politician affect their election results.

– We have been clear for a long time that there are people who are in the wrong, and that they must take the consequences, says Paula Bieler.

The political experts are not surprised by the Sweden Democrats’ success.

“A great cleavage “

– I’m not at all surprised, they’ve been there or higher in recent polls, said Karin Pettersson, political editor of the Times about SD’s results.

Political scientist Catherine Barr Ling commented election in SVT’s broadcast.

– There is a big cleavage in Sweden, she says of the Sweden Democrats’ record figures.

Feminist Initiative balancing on four per cent limit in the survey.

– now a question of numbers continues, I hope so, so that we can get a change of government and isolate the Sweden Democrats, but it’s shaky, says Fi’s party leader Gudrun Schyman said.

Mona Sahlin says there is a loss of confidence behind SD successes.

– We need to listen more to the SD’s voters and less on SD’s representative. SD’s voters do not trust us. It’s a lost trust in politics, political parties, journalists, and authorities said Mona Sahlin.

“a total failure”

The Social Democratic Party Secretary Carin Jämtin says she sees the large SD support as “a worrying signal” but promises that the Social Democrats should not make themselves dependent or negotiate with the party, according to TT.

Centre Party MEP Fredrick Federleys also took against SD announcement with disappointment.

– The SD becomes so large that they become is a total failure. And we at The Center will stand there on the barricades against them, he says.

The vast majority of the Sweden Democrats’ newly voters, 29 percent of those who indicated that they voted SD comes from the Conservatives, according Valu.


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