Monday, September 8, 2014

Alarm: West Link is a major security risk – Expressen

Alarm: West Link is a major security risk – Expressen

Emergency response alarm letter to the Transport Administration

“time scales in the construction of emergency in high-risk environments including BA assesses the emergency services to be of the order of 45 minutes by the now proposed concept. Comparatively, the rescue normal targets, for example, a fire in the building that the effort must be started within 10 minutes. For that reason accessibility issue down to the disaster area very crucial to how well a rescue operation resounding success. “

“Western Link now proposed design, with a partially fragmented effort concept has several weaknesses from the perspective of civil protection perspective. certain parts of the Western Link is planned to insert the shaft while the other stretches fitted with a parallel tunnel and a third intervention strategy for the stations assessing emergency services could contribute to hinder and delay the rescue operation. “

” Traffic Agency, however, Västlänken put forward a proposal to the effect to basically delete the whole parallel rescue tunnel that is currently in the concept of salvation, and replace it with a number of scattered and intervention shafts. Emergency Services Greater Gothenburg has carefully evaluated the proposal, which had already been considered as the weakest security option among the reported suggestions … “

” Emergency Services Greater Gothenburg discourages Transport Administration from implement such a fundamental deterioration of the possibilities of rescue operation as the removal of the Western Link service and rescue tunnel is estimated to result. “

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Gothenburg. Here GT reveal the rescue alarm letters on Western Link train tunnel.

In case of a fire emergency or train accident in the planned giant tunnel warn emergency services for an emergency response can be delayed and take 45 minutes to start.

All for to evacuate the tunnel previously scheduled lifted off of Transport Administration.

– We do not feel confident that Västlänken not have a whole parallel evacuation tunnel, says Lars Stepped Sparr, Federal Director of Emergency Services Greater Gothenburg.

West Link proposed rail tunnel with a double and three stations, of which the Haga lies 25 meters below the ground, makes great demands on the availability of emergency services personnel and vehicles in the event tågkatastrof.

The need to quickly evacuate in an accident is great. In other ongoing tunnel project that the City Line in Stockholm and Malmö City Tunnel are two parallel tubes which in various ways are available for emergency services.

But now a similar rescue tunnel largely disappeared from the Western Link.

GT reveals

GT can now reveal that the emergency services in Greater Gothenburg, who has been consultee regarding West Link security since 2001, saw the current proposal for the safety of the railway tunnel will be designed. In a statement to the Transport Administration expresses its concern emergency services.

At a train crash rescue assesses that it will take 45 minutes before a bet with BA may be running. Civil protection compares with a fire in a building where the normal goal is ten minutes.

To write the rescue of the letter:

‘time scales in the construction of emergency in a high risk environment including BA believes the emergency be of the order of 45 minutes by the now proposed concept. Comparatively, the rescue normal targets, for example, a fire in the building that the effort must be started within 10 minutes. For that reason accessibility issue down to the disaster area very crucial to how well a rescue operation to succeed . “

– My fire engineers have some fears about the security solution that Transport Administration presented to us. Therefore, we will now with this letter, says Lars Stepped Sparr, Federal Director of Emergency Services Greater Gothenburg, and former police chief in Gothenburg.

“Can not run in”

In the current security concept envisaged only some parts of the Western Link to have a parallel tunnel emergency while other stretches only be supplied with input shaft.

– When accidents such as Tingstadstunneln police can cordon off the traffic in one tube and the emergency services can then get into the accident site through doors. But it’s just a tunnel, it is difficult, then the rescue operation did not run into it, for example, is smoke-filled at the fire, said Lars Stepped Sparr.

He stresses how important time is in a rescue operation.

– We in emergency services are always talking about cutting seconds. Therefore it is important that we feel comfortable with the upcoming security concept. We do not feel confident that Västlänken not have a whole parallel evacuation tunnel, he says.

The planned solution for West Link – where rescue personnel on parts of the route may make their way down through the large elevator shaft – is unproven, according to Lars Stepped Sparr.

– It is unknown to us. We have concerns. It’s not the way we have worked in Gothenburg earlier. Nor is there some other place so we have not been able to talk with other emergency services, he says.

“Requires that you hit the right”

Due to the length of the tunnel, six kilometers it is according to Lars Stepped Sparr important that firefighters get into the right shaft by accident.

– When there are only a lift shaft, it requires that you meet the right. How will we know that we step into the right shaft? In a parallel tunnel, one can find their way, he says, and continues:

– Is it that a rescue operation takes this long period of time increases the risk for each minute that passes, it takes longer for us to arrive and implement measures so good as it’s ever going to take care of any injured persons.

The plans for the tunnel safety are formed is not fully laid down yet, but they will be there before the end of the year. GT have searched Transport Administration for comment on why a parallel tunnel along the entire route at present been removed. But managers do not want to reply to the rescue alarm about a lack of security in the Western Link.

– We want all questions from GT to go through Ake Wessman, spokeswoman says Bengt Rydhed, Deputy Regional Director of Transport Administration.

When the GT reaches Ake Wessman he unaware of the rescue criticism, but would like to revisit. Later calling communications manager Kerstin Olsson Repo up GT.

“We’re still working”

– There has been intensive work with the emergency services. We are still working and will be ready with the big picture in terms of the rail plan in December. I have not yet got hold of someone who can comment on this in detail, she says.

Johan Nyhus (S), councilor with responsibility for transport issues, would not comment on the matter before he talked to the Transport Authority and emergency services.

– As soon as I made this, I am of course willing to give my comment, greets him in a text message to GT.


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