Saturday, November 5, 2016

The distance shrinks between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton – the Swedish Radio

More than 90 percent of those arrested are here illegally. They kill innocent americans.

Donald Trump repeated in the important vågmästarstaten North Carolina yesterday, one of their most successful – but incorrect – assertions: that over 90 percent of those apprehended by the police in the united states staying in the country illegally, and that most are undocumented who are behind the murder of the Trump calls of innocent americans.

the Argument has no coverage in crime but is directed straight to the white voters who flock to Trump because he wants to deport the at least eleven million people residing in the united states without a license, completely stop the syrian flyktinginvandring, and he said, “clean up” in the neighborhoods dominated by african americans.

Trump does not make any secret of the fact that he really bet on the white, and sometimes xenophobic, selector, like this on the home stretch further try to expand the republican ushered a major period of that now nafsar Hillary Clinton’s supporters in the heels.

only a week ago had Clinton, a far greater lead, but according to the measurements shrink, the while the Trump of the buttons.

Clintonlägrets tactics to get the USA’s major minority groups – african americans and hispanics – that really go to the polls, by accusing the opponent to completely ignore them.

Up to 40 million americans have already förhandsröstat. It is almost a third of the estimated electorate, and it is a record.

voting concern to the democrats, because the numbers show that the groups of the electorate that went out of the huse for Barack Obama so far not as mangrant seem to set it up for Clinton.

President Obama is there and is campaigning for Clinton every day, and appeals not least to the USA’s black to do for her what they did for him in 2008 and 2012.

Both Obama and Clinton accuse Trump of open racism, and the last days leading up to election day, it is believed than more clearly than so far during the election campaign illustrate the very strong polarization that exists in the united states.


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