Sunday, November 27, 2016

Harrowing images from the French slaughter – ATL – Farm business magazine

French slaughter has become a political matter after smygtagna movies scored the meat industry to shake and the furious frenchmen to write in protest lists against how animals are treated in the French slaughterhouses tells SVT Friction.

 Movies, showing among other things how the calves från slew dräbuild cows kvävs, according to the organisation L214. Skärmdump från organsiationens website.
Movies showing among other things how the calves from slaughtered pregnant cows suffocated, according to the organisation L214. Screenshot from organsiationens website.

the Slaughter has been high on the political agenda in France. Since the first film was shown last year. With the help of hidden cameras filmed the terrifying scenes of how the animals were treated in a slaughterhouse in the south of France. The first film has since been followed by several and after the second movie with pictures from an organic butcher wrote 100 000 frenchmen in protest lists.

” As consumers, we believe that because the meat products available in the store, they are legal, and that everything has gone right. But our movies have shown that it is not so, ” says Johanne Mielcarek of slaughtered L214 to Svt Friction.

In France, slaughtered about three million animals, including birds every day. France is also the country in the EU that produces the most beef, followed by Germany and the united kingdom.

” Ask anyone on the street here in France on livestock in slaughterhouses, and they will answer, "I have seen it and now I know that it is terrible. We need to do something about it," says Johanne Mielcarek.

Now, the French government has several proposals for measures to make a decision on. It is, among other things, video surveillance, vets on-site and network of mobile slaughterhouses, inspired by Sweden, in order to reduce the number of animals in transport.


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