Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Drone from Linkoping sold to China – Radio Sweden

The technology company CybAero, producing unmanned helicopters, has received a major order from China. According to the company must drones are not used for military purposes, but peace researcher sees serious problems with the deal.

– There are clearly serious problems with this kind of business, says researcher Siemon Wezeman of SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute).

He researches weapons and the arms industry in the Peace Research Institute, SIPRI says, adding that China has made it a practice to advance its technology by copying it imported.

– They have copied European weapons and Russian weapons, and used it to build up its own industry and its own arsenal, says Siemon Wezeman.

He also points out that China does not respect human rights and to products drones for example can be used to monitor the population.

The company that received large order from China’s CybAero and is located in Linkoping. Business talks with China started by one of the board members is married to a Chinese woman who in turn have contacts within the Chinese business community. After the helicopters demonstrated at the site was the deal that is worth upwards of 800 million Swedish kronor in port.

The delivery is now gradually , with some helicopter systems at a time. You may not sell to any customer in China.

Since the drones can be used for both civilian and military use, any export of those approved by the Swedish Authority ISP – Swedish Inspectorate of Strategic Products.

However, what the drones actually be used to , that do not now yet. The deliveries so far made and received approval from the ISP to be exported have been AVIC. It is a state company that almost is China’s aviation industry. They both sell and produce different types of aircraft and the like. A distributor simply, who can now carry out their own demonstration flights of CybAero helicopters in China for potential customers.

Mikael Hult President at CybAero say that they now need to be aware of the risks of dealing with just China.

– We must be aware that there is a risk and we need to ensure that there sker.Det is very important to us that we also secures lest our systems are copied, it is also one risks regarding China. But with the agreement that we have, together with the personal contacts that we have, it gives us an opportunity to keep track of it all, says Mikael Hult.

Can not, eg, hack systems?

– No, we estimate becomes very difficult. And if they do, and we discover it as we take action and ensure that they stop, says Mikael Hult.

But Siemon Wezeman of SIPRI Worried by the deal. He does not believe that it is possible to ensure that a non-democratic state like China do not use drones in the wrong way, or do as before and copying technology.

– China treats not exactly their people particularly well. Moreover, China has at previous purchases guaranteed that you should not copy any such whole weapons. Still, it has managed to copy those things. Want despite this trade with China, then you have to ask yourself what you are actually doing, says Siemon Wezeman.


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