Friday, April 10, 2015

Prosecutors in Brazil to investigate the Gripen Business – Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet

The suspicion is all about how is it that the price tag for the aircraft reared so sharply that it ultimately landed on the 39 billion – about 8 billion higher than what has been said.

Saab CEO, Buskhe, have previously chosen to explain the price lift, with new demands from the customer, in this case just Brazil. But there is nothing that seems to have convinced the Brazilian Government Offices Unit for Public Affairs to the fullest.

Now, namely the prosecutor’s center for the fight against corruption launched an investigation into suspected corruption, says SVT News with reference to Brazil’s largest newspaper Folha de S. Paulo.

Saab Press Manager Sebastian Carlsson confirms the information for Swedish Television News, but want to defuse them.

– It is correct that there is now a prosecutor to ask any questions. Brazil has a very open opportunity for anyone to sign things and have a right to have it investigated. It is both common and expected that there will be such a notification, said Sebastian Carlsson SVT and continues:

– This deal is probably the most open we’ve done, it’s basically positive that there is opportunity for the public to get their questions answered, it creates security, says Sebastian Carlsson.

Folha de S. Paulo says that the Brazilian prosecutor in theory could void the entire deal if you discover financial irregularities.

A formal order for Gripen is expected to be in the middle of 2015th


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