Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Prosecutors critical to SCA investigator’s conclusion – Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet

On Wednesday presented the two investigations of the SCA been launched as a result of SvD Enterprise’s revelations. One is made of SCA’s auditors PWC and one made of Deloitte’s chairman Svante Forsberg and former Supreme Court Justice Johan Munck.

The latter was added at the insistence of minority shareholders. But already raised questions about the investigation.

When Svante Forsberg and Johan Munck presented the report for SCA’s institutional shareholders participated as SvD Business experience SCA kicked CEO Jan Johansson. This while his travels and actions in general belonged to that which has been reviewed. This must have angered many owners, according to SvD Enterprise’s data.

The inquiry has also only examined the SCA’s parent and not the group. Therefore, are not included such as the exclusive boar hunt in Germany SvD Business revealed earlier this week.

The study is concluded that there were not committed any breach of the law, such as bribery in connection with SCA’s lavish yachts. This is partly because there were CEOs and Chairman invited and therefore there is no “service connection” with the SCA directors, namely that they can influence decisions affecting SCA.

This surprises Prosecutor Thomas Forsberg of the National Anti-Corruption Unit which launched a preliminary investigation of including bribery.

– On what grounds can they make such a far-reaching assessment? If there was no service connection, then what was the purpose of inviting these people to the current hunting trips? If it were not talking about service-related issues, what they talked then about the hunts? What ties these people together, chess or stamps? said Thomas Forsberg acidly.

– If only hunt that unites, why is it only SCA offers, why not invite the others back? said Thomas Forsberg.

His investigation continues until the issue is sufficiently illuminated and investigated.

– Of course I had not launched a preliminary investigation if I did not feel it was appropriate, he says.

Both investigations that SCA followed its own regulations. But Deloitte also notes that this framework has been generous. Svante Forsberg and Johan Munck also question the appropriateness of SCA’s actions on several points.

Among others hit the bottom of the soaring costs of SCA’s director of flight.

During the time The audit covers, from 2010 to 2014, aviation has cost 326 million kronor. This corresponds to 182 000 per flight hour. SvD Business has previously estimated the cost to an average of 100,000 per hour. When then-CEO Jan Johansson traveled to Brazil with her daughter during the World Cup was estimated bill to 3 million.

– It is completely wrong, commented Jan Johansson in connection with SCA’s financial statements.

In fact, therefore, the cost much higher – nearly 5 million just for the trip.

According to the PWC report has 866 simple approaches were implemented during the years 2010- 2014. In 102 of these flights have a loved one, ie a family member of an SCA director, was on board. This corresponds to almost every eighth trip.

According to SCA’s policy would pay for family trips, corresponding to what it had cost to fly regularly on the same route. That has not happened fully. According to PWC, there have been “inadequate treatment”. In fact, 36 percent of the trips were billed and was paid only at the end of 2014 after the SvD Business began its investigation. In total there are 85 000 crowns. According to Peter Clemedtson this also applies to trips for relatives of the then CEO Jan Johansson and Sverker Martin-Löf.

In addition, it was found that the cost charged was too low in relation to actual market prices. For journeys not be classified as a benefit has therefore a further 300 000 invoiced in arrears. After this, the relatives, who thus been featured on every eighth trip, paid a total of 538,000 crowns, or two per thousand of the total cost.

After SvD Enterprise’s examination, SCA revamped its air policy so that families can no longer be fly aboard the company’s plan.


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