Sunday, November 13, 2016

The red Cross is sounding the alarm about the drug dealer in his shop: ”We feel helpless” – Sydsvenskan

the Red Cross in Malmö is appealing for help from the city of Malmö and the police to get off the drug dealing outside and in the store. – We feel helpless, ” says Kerstin Larsson, chairman of the Red Cross Malmökrets.

Narkotikaförsäljare plaguing the Red cross on the Norra Parkgatan. Both staff and clients have reacted to the intrusive narkotikaförsäljarna residing in skärmtaket to the premises.Image: Patrick Persson

a few weeks ago, the preschool Source the alarm that knarkförsäljarna at the roundabout, Kristianstadsgatan/Södra Parkgatan, made life uncertain. Now the appeal of the Red Cross, which has secondhandbutik at Norra Parkgatan about a hundred meters from the roundabout, also if using.

– We see daily how the drug trade is running outside of the store. Sometimes even the dealers in our entrance and it has happened that they have been inside our premises and offered our customers the dope, tells Kerstin Larsson, chairman of the Malmökretsen of the Red Cross.

Outside the store’s entrance is a ceiling where the salespeople are often collected and do their business because they get both protection from the wind and weather, and transparency.

– With the exception of once when the janitor asked the dealers to move them and one of them made an aggressive lunge, so it has so far been pretty quiet. But it is not a secure environment and none of the staff get to go home from work. In addition, the vulnerable people who seek out the Red Cross be able to feel safe, ” she says.

Knarkaffärerna outside the Red Cross has been running in about a year’s time. Kerstin Larsson experience it as the police patrol the neighborhoods along Parkgatan more often then the alarm came from the nursery. But it is enough nevertheless not, according to her. She has therefore written to the municipal government chairman and polisområdeschef Stefan Sintéus about the “worrying situation” and want to have a dialogue.

– There is a concern within the non-profit sector, that many undocumented migrants and asylum seekers who have received ‘ no ‘ to their requests that we meet, to be recruited to the knarkförsäljning. Then there will be insecurity for all.

What do you want the police to do?

– Regular patrols to fill a function, but even when the police arrest someone, they are, of course, out on the street again after a couple of hours. The legislation should be changed.

Acting lokalpolisområdeschefen Erik Åberg says that the police is aware of the problem.

” we are Investing heavily in a place so sales have a tendency to move on. But we come up with more measures, he promises.

– this passage is on the trygghetsvandringen we are going to do over the next week to find the measures of the physical environment.

And it is clear that we should put up surveillance cameras, they will be up in the near future.


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