Saturday, November 12, 2016

Mark Zuckerbergs anti-truth is a threat to society – Aftonbladet

Mark Zuckerberg is only 32 years old, but owns the majority of Facebook and direct the thus, by far the world’s largest source of news and information. This makes him perhaps the world’s most powerful man. You may think that I am exaggerating, but when someone was on the way to becoming the world’s richest AND took the opportunity to control the flow of information for so many people in so many parts of the world?

With that power comes responsibility, to understand their role in the world it creates and affects – more than perhaps any other. Despite all the warnings about what Facebook is doing with people and communities are Zuckerberg still in the boat and let it happen. Become the picture of an irresponsible man with a weak foothold in the world outside the techbubblan in Silicon Valley. Zuckerbergs actions of the last two years is dangerous. His actions the last few days is embarrassing. Despite all the reports of how serious the problem with faking news on Facebook is, he decides to press the head in the sand and deny everything.

– Personally, I think it is a pretty crazy idea, is Zuckerbergs response to anyone who claims that the lies on Facebook affect democratic elections.

He goes instead to the attack.

” I think people are trying to understand the results of the election, but there is a lack of empathy when you think that the only reason someone voted as they did, was because they had been subjected to some false news.

Some of the fake news? But please Mark, you sound like Jimmie Åkesson when he asked about racism in his party.

There are strong indications that Facebook affected the choice significantly. Barack Obama calls the phenomenon “a dust cloud of nonsense”. This happened already before the election day. The basis of all problems is available in Zuckerbergs vision of what is true and what is not true. In Zuckerbergs head, the truth is what I and you think it is. And hence, there is no reason why they should tackle the huge epidemic of fake news. If it is true for a person … then it is true. To meet the fake news with the correct versions is impossible, then filterbubblorna prevents the one hand, in contact with the other. In this situation, there remains one thing: to buy space on Facebook to reach out with a correct version among the groups who have been enticed to share something which is not true. Who earn money on it?

That Zuckerberg would make the gravity is a game for the gallery. He knows very well how widespread the problem is when a bunch of teenagers sitting in a small town in Macedonia, of all places, and drives the 100′s of Donald Trump’s pages on Facebook. They do it to make money. They are lying together articles and get 100 000′s of shares on Facebook from people who are fed of the same message in two years – without meeting any other truth.

Through Facebook, you can karaktärsmörda your opponent if you are willing to go across the border for the decent. For Donald Trump, there was no alternative. He lied and his lies ompaketerades on the 1 000′s of pages and was fed out to the people who finally could not take themselves out of the loop. Below each post, a widget up that says "More news of the same topic".

There is currently no way to clear their news feed. If you are one of the people who understand that your flow become one-sided, you can’t press a button to restart. You are stuck in the muck and the flow becomes your world and your life.

During the last two years, Facebook rather reinforced this development. They have gone from not take responsibility, to be directly negligent. First kicked Zuckerberg the only thing that worked to keep track of what ends up on Facebook’s "hot right now"page. Just days after the closure had the whole section been taken over by the false news.

a Few months later, Facebook the next step and strengthened the relationship you have to your friends and your family. What they shared became even more important in your flow. You hang out often with people who think the same thing. The consequence was that it has now become even more difficult to get their worldview challenged.

Why do Facebook like this? They want you to just get things that you can react to. Your reaction creates another reaction and engagement on the page. In the end, does all this mean more visits, more page views and even more money to Mark Zuckerberg.

There are people who claim that it’s always been like this. It is not true. It has never been so here. An american company with a single majority shareholder have never previously controlled the flow of information for so many people, in addition with algorithms that are so secret that few people on Facebook understand how the whole cycle really works.

Recently started Facebook use the data from the meddelandeappen "WhatsApp", in order to further strengthen its algorithms. So if you and your friends write about Donald Trump in the private messages used the data to feed you more posts about Donald Trump on Facebook. So not even the private escapes the algorithms.

Facebook has not all the responsibility, but they have a responsibility. To Mark Zuckerberg hiding your head in the sand like an ostrich, does not change the fact that over a billion people log on to Facebook via mobile every day and where greeted by the lies that become truth.

I would have understood if there was nothing to do about it. But Facebook made a profit of over 20 billion sek during the third quarter of this year. TWENTY BILLION in three months. There is plenty of money to put one or 1 000 people to block the worst of the lies. People may think that Hillary Clinton is the worst and that the policies she supported over the years has led to a worse life for some americans, but they may not actually spreading lies about that she will die soon.

in order For anything to happen, Zuckerberg admit to a lie does not become truth just because it fits into someone’s world view.


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